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Q-Time BBQ Grill and Catering

Get a tri-tip sandwich, a half-chicken, italian sausage or another fine dish, accompanied by your choice of chili beans, baked beans, baked potato, garlic rice, garlic bread or corn on the cob. Q-Time is located on the corner of Lomita and El Roblar in Meiners Oaks.

100 E El Roblar Dr #104, Ojai CA 93023 [map]

Reviews from Publications and Diners

We're there every Sunday to eat, drink and watch football. Papi has great food on the menu and we always feel welcome there. I love Q-Time!

Great food, wonderful atmosphere!! Great place to watch a game, grab a beer and have some BBQ.

Poor service, so-so food

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tyler - at - ojainetwork dot com