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Suzanne's Cuisine

502 W Ojai Ave., Ojai CA 93023 [map]

open daily (except Tuesdays)
Lunch: 11:30 am - 3 pm
Dinner: beginning at 5:30 pm

We feature a full bar and a very accommodating parking lot and our premises are wheelchair accessible. Mastercard and Visa accepted.


Suzanne's love for cooking is expressed in every dish. From lovely freshly-baked breads to entrees laced with fresh herbs grown in her own private garden. Here world-class standards never falter, even with first courses like "mussels provencale" and "roasted garlic with goat cheese and roasted sweet peppers." Expect superior service equal to Suzanne's high standards in cuisine.

Reviews from Publications and Diners

We saw this restaurant advertised in the Ojai Valley Directory - Restaurant Menus. We were the first ones in the door as they opened at 5:30 p.m. on a Saturday night to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. The atmosphere is wonderful and the service is warm, friendly, and professional. The food was EXCELLENT. In fact, it was so good that we are returning again tonight. It is one of the top five meals that we have ever enjoyed. Well done, Suzanne's.

My favorite lunch place in Ojai. Great service, a beautiful patio looking out on the garden, home-baked bread and a nice ice tea compliment anything on the menu.

Love, love, love the open-faced tuna sandwich, the veggie sandwich is great, beautiful salads and had an amazing vegetarian lentil soup one cool afternoon.

Lunch prices are reasonable, but not the cheapest in town - I believe dinner is quite a bit more. Expect to spend $40 for two on lunch. Highly recommended.

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tyler - at - ojainetwork dot com